About Bryony


My name is Bryony, and I study Population Geography at the University of Southampton. With my graduation drawing ever nearer, for me my final year is about exploring what I am really interested in. Part of this is venturing into modules outside of my degree. If you are reading this you have discovered the work I will be doing for one of my university modules – Living and Working on the Web.

Growing up in my generation, I cant really remember a time when there wasn’t technology. My first phone was a standard Nokia – or a brick as we would now probably call it, due to its indestructible nature. Now 11 years on, I am the owner of multiple pieces of technology, as are most people. It was my interest into finding out how much we rely on our technology gadgets for information, and how others rely on these same devices to find out about me which inspired me to take this module. Every two weeks I will be posting my views and answers to questions set, which I hope you enjoy or find interesting!

Please feel free to check out my twitter account @bryonykeen and follow the #UOSM2033 for a more insightful look into the module.

Once again, a warm welcome to you all, and thankyou for taking the time to read my blog!

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